Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms in the world. If you’re thinking about changing your profile picture on Facebook or your Facebook cover photo, it is important to make sure you upload the photo in the right size! By uploading your images with the right dimensions, you will really make them stand out, and it can help you get more likes on Facebook while better showing your creativity and enjoyment of the events occurring in the photo.

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How do you know what the right dimensions are for Facebook photos though? The right image dimensions are constantly changing, and there’s nothing worse than going through all the trouble to resize your photo, and then having those dimensions not even be correct or outdated! This is where we come in! We’ve created a comprehensive guide on Facebook image sizes and dimensions so you won’t have to worry about your images not looking right when you upload them to Facebook.

Below you will find a complete guide to Facebook photo image sizes and dimensions. Feel free to save this page so you can always check back to make sure your photo dimensions are correct before you upload!

Facebook Profile Photo Dimensions (for personal profiles and Facebook pages!)

Facebook Profile Photo Dimensions

Your Facebook profile photo is one of the most important images you have on Facebook. For both your personal account and your Facebook pages, your profile picture is the first thing people notice when they find your profile or page. It is displayed not only on your profile, but on every single one of your posts in the news feed, any comments you make on other posts, search results, and anywhere else on Facebook where your profile can be shown to others.

Your profile photo is the face of your brand on Facebook, so it is important that it looks great, and is sized properly!

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For profile photos, you should use a 1:1 square image, ideally at the full size of 2048 x 2048 pixels. This ensures that your image will be clear and properly cropped by Facebook. Additionally, make sure the photo you upload is high resolution so that the subject of your image (your smiling face, your brand’s logo, etc!) can be seen clearly both on the full-size version on your profile and in the small circle that appears next to your posts and comments. If the image you upload is too small then it may appear blurry on some devices or on your profile page. While you can upload images at 170 x 170 resolution, when it comes to your Facebook profile picture size, you should always upload the highest resolution image you can.

Personal Profile Cover Photo Dimensions

Facebook Profile Cover Photo Dimensions

Your cover photo is the landscape image that appears at the top of your Facebook profile. Most people use this space to show off their personality, showcasing themselves doing something they are passionate about, sharing a photo of themselves with their friends or family, making a funny layout with their profile picture, and more! The possibilities with Facebook cover photos are endless! Now, what is the best image size for a Facebook cover photo?

For your personal Facebook profile, the ideal image dimensions of your cover photo should be 2037 x 754 pixels. Facebook cover photos should be uploaded in a 2.7:1 ratio to ensure that the entire image fits on the screen. However, it is important to know that cover photos will look different and have different cropping on mobile and desktop screens. Desktop cover photos follow the 2.7:1 aspect ratio while the mobile Facebook cover photo size is 640 pixels by 360 pixels, a 16:9 image aspect ratio.

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Facebook Page Cover Photo Dimensions

Facebook Page Cover Photo Dimensions

The cover photo on your brand’s Facebook page serves the same purpose as the one on your personal profile. Use this space to show what your brand is all about. As your profile picture is likely your brand’s logo, your cover photo gives you the opportunity to show something different and creative about your page in your cover photo!

A little-known fact about Facebook page cover photo sizes is that pages and profiles have a slightly different cover photo size. The aspect ratio for Facebook page cover photos is 2.63:1 and the best image size to upload is 1958 x 745 pixels.

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Facebook Group Cover Photo Dimensions

Group cover photos are another type of cover photo that also requires a different image size. Cover photos for groups should be uploaded at 1640 x 856 pixels, a 1.91:1 aspect ratio. While you can upload at smaller resolutions, this will guarantee your group cover photo will look great every time.

Facebook Event Cover Photo Size

Facebook Event Cover Photo Size

Facebook Events also allow you to upload a cover photo to showcase what and who your event features, but as with other types of Facebook cover photos, it comes with yet another set of image sizes and dimensions!

You won’t need to adjust your Facebook event cover photo after you upload it if you upload the right-sized image. The ideal aspect ratio for Facebook event cover photos is 16:9 and you should always aim to upload an image at 1920 by 1005 resolution to provide maximum visual clarity across a wide variety of screen types and devices.

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Facebook News Feed Image Sizes and Dimensions

Facebook News Feed Image Sizes

Things can get complicated when you are publishing multiple photos in a post, especially if you are mixing landscape and square images. To keep things simple, try to publish your news feed images in as high a resolution as possible but keep in mind that the lowest resolution you should upload is 940 x 788 pixels. You can upload square images, landscape images, or portrait images to Facebook but in its preview, every image will have its width scaled to 500 pixels. IF you are able to, upload your photos at a width of 2048 pixels to ensure maximum image quality while staying under the maximum image file size. Here is a guideline on image sizes for each type of image you can publish to your Facebook news feed.

  • Square Images: 2048 x 2048
  • Portrait Images: 2048 x 3072
  • Landscape Images: 2048 x 1149

Each of these sets of dimensions has the same width, but different heights depending on the orientation of the photo. If you upload your images with these dimensions, your posts are sure to stand out on the news feed of everyone that follows you.

Dimensions for Facebook Link Posts in News Feed

Dimensions for Facebook Link Posts in News Feed

If you regularly post links to your website’s blog posts, make sure your featured images are the proper size or you have the right sized image in your open graph markup data (OG data). When you are posting the link to your latest blog post, the featured image should be 1200 x 628 pixels or a 1.91:1 aspect ratio. This will make sure that your entire image shows in the link preview that appears on your Facebook post. Facebook post dimensions for posts with links should all use this aspect ratio if you want your images to appear in full.

What Is The Maximum Image File Size On Facebook?

No matter what type of image you are uploading whether it is a profile picture, cover photo, or newsfeed post the maximum file size you can upload remains the same at 30MB. This is quite a lot and unlike when optimizing websites for SEO, once uploaded Facebook will automatically compress your images to smaller file sizes to load faster on slower internet speeds and mobile devices.

Related: What are Next Gen Images?

If you’re looking for help with your Facebook Marketing, contact on of our Facebook Ads Experts today!

Originally published . Last updated .

