Encountering errors is an inevitable part of our exploring the internet. One such error that can disrupt our browsing experience is the 505 error. When faced with this error, it’s important to understand what it means and effective solutions to overcome it. In this article, we will dive into the meaning of the 505 error, its causes, and the best methods to resolve it.

What is a 505 Error?

505 Error Meaning

The 505 error, specifically the 505 HTTP status code, signifies that the server either does not support or refuses to support the major version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) in the request. It’s a communication from the server, indicating an inability or refusal to fulfill the request due to an unsupported HTTP version.

505 Status Code Example

To better understand the 505 error, consider the following example:


GET /index.html HTTP/1.2

Host: example.com


HTTP/1.1 505 HTTP Version Not Supported

Content-Type: text/html

Content-Length: 178

In this scenario, the client makes a request using HTTP/1.2, but the server responds with a 505 error, meaning that the HTTP version is not supported.

How to Check 505 HTTP Status Code

To check if you are encountering a 505 error, you can perform the following steps:

  1. Open your preferred web browser.
  2. Navigate to the URL or web page that is causing the issue.
  3. Inspect the network traffic by using the browser’s developer tools.
  4. Look for the specific HTTP response code associated with the requested resource.
  5. If you find the status code 505, then have a 505 error code on your hands.

How to Fix a 505 Error

If you encounter a 505 error, you’ll want to fix it as soon as possible to minimize its negative impact on SEO. Here are some effective solutions you can try:

Check the Protocol Version

Review the HTTP protocol version being used in the request. Ensure that it is supported by the server. If you are using an outdated or unsupported version, consider upgrading to a compatible version, such as HTTP/1.1.

Update the Server

If you are the server administrator, check if the server software is up to date. Keeping the server software current can ensure compatibility with the latest HTTP versions. Consult the server’s documentation or contact the software provider for guidance on updating the server.

Use a Proxy Server

If you are accessing the website through a proxy server, the error may be caused by the proxy server’s limitations. Try bypassing the proxy server and connecting directly to the target website. If the error no longer occurs, it indicates an issue with the proxy server’s compatibility.

Contact the Server Administrator

If you are not the server administrator and the error persists, reach out to the website’s administrator or support team. Provide them with the specific details of the error, including the HTTP version used and the actions leading up to the error. They may be able to provide further insights or resolve the issue on their end.

Conclusion: 505 HTTP Status Code

Encountering a 505 error can be a frustrating experience while browsing the internet. However, by using the strategies outlined in this article, you can effectively resolve the 505 error and enjoy a seamless browsing experience.

If you want to learn more about how to optimize your website, check out the rest of our digital marketing articles.

Originally published . Last updated .

